March 25-May 13: Bilingual Parent Life Skills Training

Offered in Spanish and English, every Tuesday night 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. This parent program is designed to help parents strengthen communication with their children and prevent them from using drugs. It contains materials and exercises that help parents teach their children the skills that help them resist the threats of tobacco, drugs and violence. These tools help parents prepare their children for a successful transition from adolescence to early adulthood.

On April 1, Brenda Lopez, SAFE bilingual outreach worker will present Lock Up Your Meds, a national multi-media campaign designed to reduce prescription drug abuse. Produced by National Family Partnership. SAFE will educate adults about steps they can take to prevent prescription medication abuse in their home by safeguarding their medication.  Medication tracking cards that can be used to keep inventory of all household medications will be distributed and NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports Deterra Bags will be provided with instructions on how to safely dispose of unwanted medicine at home.

On April 29, officer Carlos Fernandez , Glen Cove Police Department will educate parents about youth alcohol and substance use trends and how to identify use in their child. Glen Cove Social Host Law will be discussed as well as the new law restricting vape shops that sell drug paraphernalia to industrial zones and the Police Departments monitoring of those stores to prevent sales to youth.

Deasy school 7-9 p.m.

To register please call Life Skills Trainer Laurent Caballero at 516-671-7068. Babysitting provided.

March 26: National Problem Gambling Awareness Month Presentation

 Designed to raise awareness of the risks of underage gambling. National Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) will launch during March. SAFE will discuss the dangers of gambling and gaming, youth and adult trends and resources to help those struggling with this addiction.

 1 p.m. Glen Cove Senior Center

April 1: Take Down Tobacco Day-National Kick Butts Day

A national day of awareness and activism that empowers youth to stand out, speak up and seize control against Big Tobacco. A collaboration between SAFE and the Glen Cove Youth Bureau, the 25th Kick Butts Day will raise awareness of the problems of tobacco use and empower youth to reject the tobacco industry’s deceptive marketing practices.

Glen Cove Middle and Elementary School After 3 Program

May 10: Shed Your Meds Drug Disposal Event

A collaboration between SAFE, the Mayor’s office, Glen Cove Police Department and EMS. The biannual “Shed Your Meds” drug reclamation program helps residents properly dispose of prescription medications and medic al supplies that are no long needed or have expired and is one of the many strategies used to tackle drug abuse in Glen Cove. The safe disposal of unused and expired drugs supports the need to eliminate the risk of these drugs getting into the hands of children.

10 a.m. -1 p.m. Glen Cove Police Department Parking Lot

May 31: World No Tobacco Day

Collaboration between SAFE, the Tobacco Action Coalition of Long Island and Glen Cove School District’s Health Education Teachers engage in a program in recognition of World No Tobacco Day. Middle and high school students will be educated on the dangers of tobacco products and the marketing tactics the tobacco lobby use in their local retailers. Youth will participate in an interactive learning program and will be taught life skills in advocacy to take a stand against “Big Tobacco.”

June 2  throughout the day and 5 p.m. Youth Bureau’s After 3 Life Skills Training Program

September 9 – throughout the school year: Elementary and Middle School Life Skills Training

Glen Cove Youth Bureau After 3 Program

Offered via Zoom instruction, the Botvin LifeSkills Training Elementary School program is a comprehensive, dynamic and developmentally appropriate substance abuse and violence prevention program designed for upper elementary school students. This program has been proven to help increase self-esteem, develop healthy attitudes and improve their knowledge of essential life skills – all of which promote healthy and positive personal development.

The Botvin LifeSkills Training Middle School program is a substance abuse and violence prevention program proven to be the most effective evidence-based program used in schools today. LifeSkills Training is comprehensive, dynamic, and developmentally designed to promote positive youth development. In addition to helping kids resist drug, alcohol and tobacco use, the Middle School program also effectively supports the reduction of violence and other high risk behaviors.

Middle School Program: Thursday 4 p.m.-5 p.m.

Elementary School Program: Connolly-Tuesday 4 p.m.-5 p.m.

Landing School Program: Wednesday 4 p.m-5 p.m.