Life Skills Programs For Parents And Students
Bilingual Life Skills Training (LST) for Parents
Offered in Spanish and English, evidence-based parenting program provides parents with the tools and knowledge to be effective, and to learn practical approaches that come with the challenges of raising children. This eight-week course utilizes a Parents Handbook as a guide to teach positive approaches to understanding and raising children. Parents will learn to put into practice the ideas and skills presented in the lessons, sharing with other parents in the group, and focusing on a family approach for making decisions.
LST for parents includes substance use and violence prevention program components designed to help strengthen communication with their children and prevent them from using drugs. A handbook and DVD are used to help parents teach their children the skills that help them resist the threats of tobacco, drugs, and violence.
The program also helps parents prepare their children for a successful and safe transition from adolescence to early adulthood. Each facilitator has been certified in Life Skills Provider Training workshops.
Life Skills Training (LST) for Students
Evidence-based drug prevention program implemented at Glen Cove Elementary, Middle and High Schools that incorporates interactive learning, social skills building, specific drug use prevention-related information, providing adolescents and young teens with the confidence and skills necessary to successfully handle challenging situations. The program is broken down into three major components.
The first teaches general self-management skills, including analyzing problems and reducing stress and anxiety. The second covers general social skills such as overcoming shyness and communicating effectively. The final component of the program covers drug resistance skills, such as the ability to challenge misconceptions about drug use and the ability to resist media pressures to use drugs.
Rather than merely teaching information about the dangers of drug abuse, Life Skills Training promotes healthy alternatives to risky behavior. Each facilitator has been certified in Life Skills Provider Training workshops.